‘It’s a struggle to get into the charts’

Jasper Steverlinck (47) is participating in the tenth season of ‘Love for Music’. ‘I notice that people often recognize me by my voice alone. When I order something from the bakery I sometimes see heads turning,” the singer laughs.

In ‘Love for Music’, artists have been covering each other’s songs for nine seasons, resulting in sing-alongs and tearjerkers. For the festive tenth season, VTM decided to invite one artist from each previous season back on a musical journey. Stan Van Samang (season 1), Johannes Genard from the band School is Cool (season 2), Clouseau (season 3), Jasper Steverlinck (season 4), Laura Tesoro (season 5), Regi (season 6), Tourist LeMC ( season 7), Suzan & Freek (season 8) and K3 (season 9) are present and once again delve into each other’s repertoire. “Many top artists have participated in the past nine seasons, so if they ask you back, it is a great honor,” says Jasper Steverlinck. ‘I didn’t hesitate for a second to participate again.’

Did participating in the program change your career?

‘It made even more people interested in my music. I hope this will be the case again now.’

It has indeed been a bit quieter around you lately in terms of new hits.

‘That’s right. I actually have no problem writing songs, but I had some difficulty finding a producer and ensuring that my singles are played on the radio.. Fortunately, I have a very loyal audience. It may take a long time before I release a new song, but when I do a tour it sells out almost everywhere. I do plan to strike while the iron is hot and release some more songs, but on my own.’

Do you find it a shame that some radio stations don’t play your music often?

‘Naturally. I always like it when colleagues or fans tell me that I have a global voice, but I still have to struggle to conquer your place in the charts. As an artist I really just want people to hear me, but if they don’t play me, of course, they won’t get to know me. That’s too bad.’

I always like it when colleagues or fans tell me that I have a global voice, but I still have to struggle to conquer your place in the charts.

Which artist did you most enjoy working with this season?

‘I thought they were all great to cover. I really liked my versions of Regi and K3, because my music is miles away from what they do. I am most proud of my cover of Stan Van Samang because I come out in a very surprising way, people will not expect this from me.’

Which artist scared you the most?

‘Suzan & Freek, because I initially didn’t know which song of theirs I wanted to cover. It was a serious search to pour the typical Jasper sauce on it somewhere. Although most people say that whatever I do, they immediately recognize that it is me. Apparently I have a very recognizable sound.’

What makes music so special to you?

‘It may sound corny, but music is the translation of your emotions. How you feel inside, music is the closest thing to expressing that.’

What do you still dream of professionally?

I hear all the time that I have a global voice, but my music is not released in other countries. That’s a bit of a frustration. My dream is to break through abroad, I am thinking of France, Germany and England.’

I am very melancholic. Sometimes waves of sadness wash over me. You can hear that too when you listen to my music. Meditating helps me to express those feelings.

At Flair, self-love is central: do you have a lot of self-love?

‘I meditate a lot. I started doing that in 2018 and it helps me, because I am very melancholic. Sometimes waves of sadness wash over me. You can hear that too when you listen to my music. Meditating helps me to express those feelings.’

Do you have certain complexes in terms of appearance?

If I gain a few pounds, you will immediately see it on my face. I find that “fat head” annoying (laughs)! But I make sure I keep moving enough, because I want to stay fit and healthy. I exercise with a personal trainer twice a week.’

Are you doing this because you are susceptible to the stereotypical ideals and perfect images that a man must be muscular?

‘I used to always do martial arts and strength training. I still do the latter. Not because I want to be muscular to necessarily meet those ideal images, but simply because I like to do that and because as an artist your body remains your working instrument. I usually stand alone on stage, without backing vocals, everyone listens to me. So I can’t rest for a while, I have to be at my best all the time.’

Are you having trouble getting older now that you are approaching fifty?

‘I was shocked when I saw the recordings of “Love for Music” that I looked a lot older. I could say that it doesn’t bother me, but our society puts so much emphasis on staying young forever. To be honest, I am working on that. The media play an important role in this and should show more naturally aging people instead of just people who had their faces tinkered with.’

I was shocked when I saw the recordings of “Love for Music” that I looked a lot older. I could say that it doesn’t bother me, but our society puts so much emphasis on staying young forever.

Self-love obviously also applies to mental well-being: are there certain things that you struggle with?

I have to be able to do my own thing while making a song and sometimes I am a bit hindered in that. That’s my biggest source of stress. That is why from now on I will work more autonomously when releasing songs so that I have the freedom to do what I want without taking into account what a producer thinks will appeal to the general public.’

Have you already had to deal with negative comments?

‘I’ve always been lucky that I didn’t get a lot of rubbish thrown at me. I also rarely read comments, so maybe I never noticed (laughs). Now they sometimes tag you, so there’s no escape. I don’t think it would really affect me if they said I make saw music or something like that. Everyone is allowed to have their own opinion and it does not always have to match mine.’

Do you still often get recognized on the street?

‘Surprisingly, yes! I also notice that people often recognize me by my voice alone. When I order something from the bakery I sometimes see heads turning (laughs).

Finally, why would you recommend people watch ‘Love for Music’?

‘The artists are very surprising this season. So it’s fun again from start to finish.’

You can see ‘Love for Music’ every Tuesday at 8:35 PM on VTM and VTM GO.

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