“It’s hard to be apart for 20 days” 2024-03-22 19:06:22

Thanos Pleuris said: “It was a misfortune for the Greek army to tolerate Stefanos Kasselakis. Let him not make us dizzy, he will go, he won’t do anything, in 20 days he won’t even take a weapon.

I am sorry if they asked him if he needs anything, SYRIZA will not be lost in these 20 days. Being treated differently in the army is a challenge for the people who go… Don’t kid yourself, those who will be with him will be lucky because no one will do anything to prevent Mr. Kasselakis from feeling that something is going on. I consider this all a comedy and a mockery.”

He went on to say: “Let him go without noise to make it finish. Hearing her tell us not to call her “Calliope” has no sexist content. He will also hear them say ‘Canadian’, they are vehicles that are from Canada, it’s not something sexist for Canadian women.”

Added Thanos Pleuris: “Ultimately at the end of the day, more shows will have been made about his military service than the time he will be in. If he does a service, he will be a room guard, toilets, we don’t want him to enter a watch because that’s where he needs a weapon.

I wish he would be visited (s.s. in the army) and his man would see him, 20 days is a heavy pain of separation”.

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#hard #days

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