It’s not Nino or Amar, this burly man saves Reyna from the dangers made by Ricky in the Bond of Love

BUSINESS POTENTIAL – Drama Love Bond May 3, 2022, is predicted to tell the scene Reyna who finally managed to survive the dangers.

In the previous episode, Reyna is narrated to have sunk into a hole deliberately made by Ricky.

Ricky apparently committing a barbaric act by carrying around Reyna into his personal affairs in order to snatch Elsa and Keisha from Nino.

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Re -told Andin finally allowed Reyna go for camp cheerful together Nino to his villa in Puncak, Bogor.

Besides Reyna, Mama Rosa also joined the event. Don’t forget Papa Surya, Mama Sarah and Keisya together to go to the villa Nino.

However, apparently Ricky secretly knowing the agenda of the event Nino that.

Ricky decided to go there. He hopes to meet Keisya and steal the opportunity to be close to Elsa’s daughter.

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Nino previously suspected someone was stalking her at the villa. However, Nino don’t mind that.

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