It’s only been 2 months since we divorced after a relationship of 6 years! Beautiful anchor “wearing a wedding dress again”: Don’t regret in life | TVBS | LINE TODAY

2024-01-11 14:01:11

The 37-year-old “beautiful anchor” Zhang Yu announced in November 2023 that she was divorcing Liu Yangu, the vice president of Tutor ABC, whom she had been with for 6 years. The news triggered discussions, and even the famous 57-year-old singer Zhang Yu mistakenly believed that, I was “divorced”. Anchor Zhang Yu recently posted wedding photos on social media and mentioned in the post that whether it is marriage or divorce, it is very tiring both physically and mentally. “If it is still worth the experience, just do it. Anyway, don’t have any regrets in life.”

Anchor Zhang Yu was shocked by news of his divorce in mid-November last year, which shocked many fans. After confirming the divorce news, Zhang Yu said that his divorce from Liu Yangu had been discussed for a long time, and they were still good friends. They also decided to hold a party to get together and relax. The news also reached singer Zhang Yu. He said on his Facebook fan page that he hadn’t turned on his phone for a few days. When he turned it on, he was surprised to see “Zhang Yu is divorced”, which made him overwhelmed.

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Anchor Zhang Yu recently shared pictures and texts on Facebook. It can be seen in the photo that she is wearing a red French wedding dress, with a sexy hollow part. She wrote in the post: “The purpose of recording the New Year special program is to be red”, “This little red dress is actually a French light wedding dress”. It turns out that this outfit is for recording the New Year special program.

Zhang Yu pointed out that this kind of French wedding dress is suitable for modern free-spirited marriages, and it is also grand. Although she personally likes the traditional white dress; she thought, “In fact, getting married and divorced are very tiring. Everyone knows that one is physically tired and the other is mentally tired. Ah. Think about it for yourselves! If it’s still worth the experience, just go for it. Anyway, don’t have any regrets in life.”

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