“IV Conference on Internal Medicine III Interresidence Conference: Highlights and Attendance from Health Professionals in Misiones and Argentina”

2023-05-11 15:35:00

May 11, 2023 – 12:35 p.m

From the Medical Clinic Service of the Hospital Escuela de Agudos “Dr. Ramón Madariaga” carried out an assessment of the IV Conference on Internal Medicine III Interresidence Conference, Joint Conference on Nursing and Internal Medicine, carried out at the end of April 2023, in the Knowledge Park, Posadas Misiones. The great attendance of professionals from Misiones and Argentina stands out. The event was declared of Provincial Interest.

It was a Scientific Conference, with a holistic perspective focused on the patient.

In this context, Dr. Dario Trela, from the Medical Clinic Service of the aforementioned Assistance Center, announced that “around 200 health professionals participated in the academic event, it is a very good call, especially in person.”

To this, he added, “staff doctors attended, from other specialties such as rheumatology, neurology, hematology, infectology, residents of the medical clinic service and nurses from Hospital Escuela”.

Continuing with the theme of the call, he highlighted the scope of the event “there was assistance from hospitals from the interior of the Province, a large concurrence of clinical doctors from SAMIC from Oberá and Eldorado and from other healthcare centers from Chaco, Corrientes, Formosa, Santa Faith, Buenos Aires, Catamarca”.

He also announced that the event was declared of Provincial Interest and recalled the topics that will be developed at the meeting “work was done on Prevention in admission to hospital; catheter-associated infection. Diagnosis and treatment; hospitalized asthma; obesity. “The not so silent pandemic”; patient safety: Incident reporting, as an essential tool: “This is what we have to talk about”; joint table: Residences as a medical and nursing training system: Value and relevance in the health system, joint table: survey: “The 5 most frequent complaints from nurses and doctors”. The path towards better communication between professionals”.

Likewise, he highlighted the participation of health leaders such as Dr. Adriana Tomani, Dr. Lucio Criado, Dr. Manuel Klein, Dr. Juliana Gómez and Dr. María Lagrutta.

Finally, on behalf of all those who participated in the organization of the IV Conference on Internal Medicine III Interresidence Conference, Joint Conference on Nursing and Internal Medicine, he thanked the Dr. Ramón Madariaga Health Park of the Province of Misiones for their support and collaboration. , to the Hospital Escuela de Agudos “Dr. Ramón Madariaga” and the Ministry of Health of the Province of Misiones.

Organized by: The Medical Clinic Service of the Hospital Escuela de Agudos “Dr. Ramón Madariaga, the SAMIC hospitals in Oberá and Eldorado. The Misiones district, of the Argentine Society of Medicine.

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