Jana Miqdad embarrassed her father Khaled after months of wearing the hijab.. What she did today and with all boldness shocked everyone and is unbelievable!!

It’s 01:10 a.m.
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The Birds of Paradise star, Jana Miqdad, was subjected to some criticism for the roll of her hijab after she announced that she was wearing the hijab a short time ago.

Some saw that the roll that she adopts does not fit the shape of her round face and that she should change it. Indeed, this is what Jana did, so she appeared in the latest photo that she published on her own account with a new veil roll after she abandoned the old and met her to a large extent.

On the other hand, she is under attack of another kind after she left her old photos in which she appears without a veil and did not erase them from her page, so the comments came very harsh, because she embarrassed her father and took off the veil.

And earlier, the star of Birds of Paradise, Al-Mutasim Miqdad, posted a video of him with his family from a funny session for them on his own account on the social networking site.

Jana Miqdad had recently presented gifts to young girls while she was in Jordan with her family, on the occasion of her wearing the hijab, and the gift was a prayer dress.

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