Japan’s hospitality has changed drastically…尹 ‘Hospitality’ until dinner at the policy council

picture explanationNational Assembly Vice Chairman Jeong Jin-seok (left), head of the Korea-Japan policy consultation delegation dispatched by President-elect Yoon Seok-yeol to Japan, poses for a commemorative photo with Foreign Minister Yoshimasa Hayashi at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan on the morning of the 25th. [사진 제공 = 한일 정책협의대표단]

On the 25th, the Korea-Japan policy consultation delegation dispatched by President-elect Yoon Seok-yeol to Japan delivered a series of meetings with the Ministers of Foreign Affairs, Defense, Economy, Industry, and etc. In particular, after meeting with Japanese Foreign Minister Yoshimasa Hayashi and having dinner together, a subtle change in the Japanese government was detected. In an interview with Japan’s Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry, Koichi Hagiuda, Japan’s export restrictions were discussed, but it seems that strengthening cooperation in principle was discussed rather than concrete solutions.

After meeting with Foreign Minister Hayashi this morning, National Assembly Vice Chairman Jeong Jin-seok, who heads the policy council, said, “The two countries agreed on the need to closely maintain and strengthen cooperative relations as a good country that shared the values ​​of liberal democracy and market economy as well as future tasks.” explained. He added, “To summarize President-elect Yoon’s perception of Japan, it is imperative that Korea-Japan relations be restored to the former best days as soon as possible. Vice-Chairman Jeong said that the ‘best time’ refers to the time when the 1998 Korea-Japan Partnership Joint Declaration between Kim Dae-jung and Obuchi was announced.

The policy council also had a dinner with Foreign Minister Hayashi on the same day at the Ikura government office and discussed current issues. The Ikura Legation is where major international conferences of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and events and dinners hosted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs are held. An official from a diplomat said, “Even when Korea-Japan relations are evaluated as the worst since diplomatic normalization in 1965, the foreign minister’s invitation to a dinner after meeting is interpreted as showing some expectations for dialogue with the new Korean government.”

The policy council also met with Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Hagiuda and Defense Minister Nobuo Kishi on the same day to discuss ways of cooperation. After meeting with Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Hagiuda, he said, “Although there are pending issues such as export restrictions, we should make efforts to wisely solve the problem of pioneering a new mutually beneficial future between the two countries.” We decided to work together and continue constructive discussions.” At a press conference held after the meeting, Akira Izumo, director of the Korea Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan, said at a press conference after the meeting, “As Japan’s basic position is that policy dialogue cannot continue while a complaint has been filed with the World Trade Organization (WTO), if Korea withdraws the WTO complaint first, policy dialogue will be held. We will return to,” he repeated.

The policy council held a breakfast meeting with the Japan Oriental Medical Clinic this morning, and about 10 people including Fukushiro Nukaga and Ryota Takeda, president of the Japan Oriental Medical Association, attended the meeting.

Meanwhile, on the same day, the Vice-Chairman of the Government reached a conclusion through intensive dialogue and negotiations through official diplomatic channels without any proposals to Japan today regarding the solution to the worsening Korea-Japan relations over South Korea’s ‘comfort women and conscription victims’ compensation judgments. You have to make an effort to do it,’ he said.

[도쿄 = 김규식 특파원]
[ⓒ 매일경제 & mk.co.kr, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]

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