Jaurim Kim Yuna “9 out of 14 debut albums banned from KBS”

Jaurim Kim Yuna talks about her sadness about her debut album.

KBS 2TV’s ‘Immortal Song’ (556 episodes), aired on the 21st, is decorated with ‘Artist Jaurim’, and is accompanied by the band Jaurim, who has provided comfort and emotion to young people for 25 years with an unrivaled world of music. Younha, Ali, Monni, Yongjin Kim, Cracksilver, and Cardi will present a hot stage together.

In this broadcast, the honest and pleasant charm of Jaurim, a band that sings about youth, will be poured out.

From ‘Spring Day is Gone’ to ‘Nocturne’, Jaurim reveals the interesting behind-the-scenes stories related to Jaurim’s famous songs. In particular, Jaurim Yuna Kim jumped up from her seat and caught her attention when she revealed that “nine of the 14 songs on her debut album were banned by KBS.” Kim Yoon-a, who had been modulated by her solemn voice, burst into her cute rage and turned her scene into a sea of ​​laughter.

In addition, the behind-the-scenes of the birth of ‘Magic Carpet Ride’ was also revealed, drawing attention. Kim Yoon-a, who said, “”Magic Carpet Ride’ is a song I made while taking a shower,” provoked laughter by reproducing the situation at the time of composing. She as well as the back door that she scientifically explains the correlation between showering and inspiration, revealing an indescribable cuteness.

In addition to this, it is expected that exciting stories will be poured out, including behind-the-scenes stories hidden in the famous songs that Jaurim reveals, the style of songwriting, special ties with the singers, and sincere comments about the singers’ stage that causes thrills.

[한현정 스타투데이 기자]

photo | KBS Immortal Songs

[ⓒ 매일경제 & mk.co.kr, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]

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