JAXA’s Slim Probe: Historic Moon Landing and Potential Restart

2024-01-22 17:46:45

The Japanese Space Agency (JAXA) announced yesterday that it had stopped the power supply to its Slim probe, less than three hours after its historic landing on the moon last Saturday, in order to save energy in its batteries for a possible restart.

The agency indicated that there is a “possibility” to restart the Japanese “Slim” unit, which faced a problem with its solar panels.

The Japanese Space Agency said: “According to telemetry data, Slim’s solar cells are directed towards the west. “If sunlight hits the moon from the west in the future, we believe it is possible to produce energy, and we are currently preparing to restart.”

The agency said on social media, “We were able to complete the transfer of technical data and images obtained during the landing and on the surface of the moon before the power outage.”

On Saturday, Japan became the fifth country in the world to successfully carry out a landing on the moon.

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