Jimin is a victim of robbery in his apartment and ARMY worries

The dancer and member of BTS He suffered a robbery in his apartment while he was traveling, as the Idol alerted his fans after it was revealed that some intruders stole personal information from him in order to damage his image.

This weekend, personal and confidential information about Jimin by BTS. Everything indicates that this information was stolen from the property of the group that manages HYBE, company in charge of BTS, and in addition, he was not notified of the alerts of non-payment of the insurance that he owed for three months. The property would have been seized by the authorities.

In a portal known as BizKorea Jimin’s personal documents were posted, these were emails stolen from BTS’s apartment mailbox. A reporter would have spread the debt notices of the idol for not paying his insurance premiums, with the sole purpose of damaging the artist’s image in South Korean civil society.

After this embarrassing altercation, HYBE came to Jimin’s defense and cleared up the whole situation. The company admitted that it was their mistake not to send Jimin payment notices, so he was not aware of the 28 million debt. wons (22 mil Dollars). The BTS member was served with four notices of seizure, but it was paid on April 22 when the apartment had already been seized.

After this theft of Jimin’s personal information, ARMY has been very concerned on social networks, since they assure that it is not healthy or normal for some intruders to have the ability to access even the personal information of the members of Bangtan.

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