Job interview innovates with Harry Potter

  • In the “2019 Recruiting Benchmark Report” it was measured which industries concentrated the largest number of candidates for a job.

  • Insider of Glassdoor has been made known the type of questions in job interviews that are carried out.

  • Harry Potter is without a doubt a cultural reference with weight, as we see, in job interviews.

An estimate from the study “2019 Recruiting Benchmark Report” revealed that at least 14 percent of the candidates for a job, resorted to companies with between 1 and 500 employees, to apply for a job and among these applicants, the story of @naatxsswho revealed that during her job interview, Harry Potter was a key issue in profiling whether she was the right candidate for the vacancy she had applied for.

If we review in detail the figures of the aforementioned study, it was documented that companies with a workforce of between 501 y two thousand 500 employees they received the 12 percent of the total number of applicants; 11 percent of those who applied for jobs applied to companies from two thousand 500 a 5 mil and a 12 percent companies with more than five thousand collaborators.

“Which house do you belong to?”

A peculiar question inspired by the saga of Harry Potterbecame a question during a job interview at @naatxssa user who, according to her testimony, had applied as a collaborator of a product store freakswhere it is marketed with Funkos y merchandising series and tapes.

In the job interview, of which this user of Twitter has a witness, in the unexpected question he read: “What house do you belong to?” The tape question Harry Potter It is inspired by the saga of Harry Potterwhen the small protagonists of this, are classified to the school in which they must join.

“Look there are degrading job interviews but this one to work in a store geek I think that is the limit”, the user wrote when criticizing the type of questions, which are already asked in an interview to get a job and to which she replied: Slytherin.

Another of the questions they asked her, explains the user, is if she preferred to be a Quidditch captain or an Alliance captain.

Despite the fact that the candidate had already deleted the interview that was being applied to her, various users reacted to her message, some of them even confirming that they had also applied for the vacancy with the unexpected job questions.

During a job interview, it is common for unexpected questions to be asked, which apparently have little to do with the vacancy, however, they are actions that outline the candidate, as confessed by a user of Glassdoorwho says that when he was a candidate for a job interview at Apple, he was asked: “What is your favorite Apple product?”

There is no doubt that a job interview continues to be a crucial process in talent management and an indisputable bet to better involve talent in the company where they have applied.

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