Juan José Origel tests positive for COVID-19

Juan jose Pepillo Origel, show host and journalist, confirmed through social networks that he gave positive a COVID-19.

Through your Instagram account, Pepillo Origel gave details about his infection and state of health, ensuring that he was infected during a visit to San Migue de Allende, in Guanajuato.

I want to tell you that I have COVID-19. On Thursday I went to do the test and I came out positive. I caught them in San Miguel de Allende, all of us who were at the end of the year were infected, “he said.

Origel assured that he is in “very quiet” isolation at home, and made it clear that he does not have serious symptoms of the disease, except for a cough from which he has already recovered.

Blessed be God I don’t have any symptoms of anything. I’m very well, I don’t have a headache, flu, or cough … I already had the cough, I had a very ugly cough, “he said.

Finally, the driver asked his followers to continue with health measures to avoid coronavirus infections.

“I have to take care of myself, I have to be guarded, but well, this pandemic is very strong, it has hit a lot of people and some have done badly. As I say to myself, blessed be God, I’m fine, thank you, my God! I send my regards to everyone and we must continue to take good care of ourselves ”, he argued.

The federal Ministry of Health (SSa) reported that Mexico registered 11 thousand 599 new infections of COVID-19 in the last day for a total of four million 125 thousand 388 cases, in addition to 31 deaths to reach 300 thousand 334 total deaths.

The little more than 11 thousand infections represent an important reduction after on Saturday the country reached the record of cases in the entire pandemic by adding 30 thousand 671 in a single day.

With these figures, Mexico remains the sixteenth country in the world in the number of confirmed infections, and is the fifth with the most deaths from this cause, behind the United States, Brazil, India and Russia, according to the Johns University count. Hopkins.

With information from López-Dóriga Digital

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