“Juan Palau reveals behind-the-scenes drama on ‘La Isla De Los Famosos’ on podcast”

2023-05-23 22:10:17

A new farewell was lived after the tribal council of ‘The Island of the Famous’ having the singer and actor Juan Palau as the sixteenth participant to be eliminated from the competition, and this is how he became the twenty-first participant to say goodbye to Saona Island and the seventh member of the jury that will define who will be the winner.

Can read: ‘La Isla De Los Famosos’ already has its three finalists. Did they deserve to be them?

And hours later, after saying goodbye to Saona Island, to his tribe, to his alliances, pacts and especially to his wishes to be the winner of the game, he appeared on the podcast ‘El Día Después De’ with the presenter of the reality show Tatán Mejía and the producer Juan Pablo Gaviria, who this time was absent again. From there he revealed some of the things he lived on the beach, and also what he thinks after leaving the competition.

In his words, he recriminated what was the attitude of the actor Federico Rivera who assures that from the beginning he got into a fragile role and that when he reached the unification he took out his claws to defend himself from everyone.

“Great strategist and what a figure. All the time as a victim, a victim and a victim, and in the unification his claw began to come out, to show that the game was eating him alive and he dropped that movie about the gentleman. He began with his victimhood to win the hearts of all ”

Juan Palau

He specified that after that he simply observed each of the actor’s attitudes and specified that he was already fine compared to what he said every time he was questioned about the injury to his hand.

He indicated that Lina Real’s departure was due to a lack of confidence on his part since he assures that he could help her get among the finalists of ‘La Isla De Los Famosos’.

“She lost by not trusting. And she trusted the ones she shouldn’t trust.”

Juan Palau

It is worth remembering that the professional athlete came out when a double vote had to be made for the immunity idol that Tania Valencia took, so Lina was eliminated on that occasion and left with an advantage that she never used.

#Juan #Palau #downloaded #leaving #Isla #Los #Famosos

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