Judge Gustavo Villanueva is once again in charge of the Federal Court of Bariloche

The federal judge of Neuquén, Gustavo Villanueva, returns as of today to be in charge of the Federal Court of Bariloche that remains vacant since 2019 and with a contest to designate a magistrate that has no resolution.

Villanueva’s provisional designation is due to the fact that Silvina Dominguezthe Zapala judge who intervened in this court in the last two years, as subrogative, retired and for this reason, the Roca Appeals Chamber resolved the vacancies generated by his retirement.

Villanueva was already in charge of the Multifueros Court of Bariloche and was responsible for the first extradition trial of Facundo Jones Huala in 2018 in which he ordered his transfer to Chile, when the magistrate of origin Leonidas Moldes was on leave to integrate the Council of the Magistracy.

Now, if the Chamber decides that the extradition process of Jones Huala again, which Chile would formalize in the next few days, remains in the Bariloche Court, it will once again be in charge of this definition.

The judge from Neuquén was also the one who initiated the case against the lof Lafken Winkul Mapu of Villa Mascardi for usurpation of lots to National Parks and under an eviction order in that property, in November 2017, the murder of the young Mapuche Rafael Nahuel took placewhich until today continues unpunished with accused police officers from the Albatros group.

The Court of Appeals said that it did not ignore “the Difficulties that magistrates must face to subrogate for long periods in distant courts hundreds of kilometers from their natural seat” but “the high number of vacancies in the jurisdiction” force to resort to the few judges who are in office in Río Negro and Neuquén.

In the same agreement that Villanueva is appointed to cover Bariloche, the Chamber provisionally appointed Roca judge Hugo Greca in charge of the Federal Court of Zapala.

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