Juliana Moechtar’s Children’s Unexpected Response When They Know Their Mother Will Marry Again


Juliana Moechtar re-established a household after the departure of Herman Sikumbang. As you know, Herman died because he was one of the victims of the tsunami in Tanjung Lesung in 2018.

As a single parent, Juliana has always put her children first, Mother. For the sake of his children, he intends to remarry.

On Friday morning (27/5/2022), Juliana’s moment of happiness took place solemnly. He officially remarried to Lt. Col. TNI named Nur Wahyudi.

Previously, Juliana had also shared stories about the children’s response to remarriage. He said his two sons were also happy.

“Children happy. Because children like it or not, they are big (adults) not because of their age. (But) raised by conditions. Six years old, five years old. I myself have been alone for four years in total,” he said, quoted from the channel YouTube TRANS TV Official on Saturday (28/5/2022).

For information, Juliana and Nur have the same background. Both of them single parent and left by his previous partner due to death.

Juliana’s continued child also seems more mature in responding to his parents’ marriage. They didn’t even protest.

“His children are also adults. This process of life must continue. So no one complains, Alhamdulillahsaid Juliana.

Juliana’s own child can immediately be close to her father, Mother. To her husband, her son calls her Papa Nur.

“The children are also very close, ‘Papa Nur, Papa Nur’,” said Juliana imitating her children.

Juliana and her husband seem to have the same mission, Mother. Both want their children to grow up well with complete parents.

“It can’t be denied, my children need a father. It can’t be denied either, they (the husband’s children) need a mother because life is still long,” he said.

The actress who was once a finalist for Puteri Indonesia 2010 then recounted the beginning of her meeting with her husband. Juliana said they met accidentally at a relative’s birthday.

“Actually, we met accidentally at one of our relatives’ birthday party. Because he was also left behind by his partner, suddenly there was a signal from a friend to be introduced,” he explained.

Not only that, Juliana and her husband-to-be have a close family relationship. Julia admitted that she was brought up in a TNI family.

Juliana’s father, sister, and brother both work in the TNI. Therefore, he was introduced to Nur Wahyudi who is also in the same profession.

“I am from a TNI family, my father and brother are TNI, and it was my brother who introduced myself who was TNI,” he explained.

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See the continuation on the next page, yes, Mother.

Mother, also see the story of gratitude for Juliana Moechtar who was cared for by a friend after her husband died in the following video:

[Gambas:Video Haibunda]

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