Julieta Poggio joins the Fuerza Bruta show “Aven”

2023-04-27 15:25:54

The model and dancer Julieta Poggio, finalist for “Big Brother” which concluded weeks ago, joins the cast of “Aven«, the new show that the physical theater company brute forcea is presenting in the Bosques de Palermo.

Julieta will have her debut with a special intervention on May 6 in «the party of the little brothers“, and continue their participation in the functions of May 10, 11, 12, 17, 18 and 19 in the Sala Sinpiso, of the Buenos Aires Club GEBA, of Fuerza Bruta.

«Aven«, the company’s new show, premiered on December 23 in Buenos Aires, has artistic direction by Diqui James and music and sound design by Gaby Kerpel.

In this show, Fuerza Bruta once again brings skill, rigor and physical deployment to the forefront, precisely managing the moments of impact and creating an atmosphere that is increasingly closer to the explosive ritual of the body.

«Aven» -word invented to allude to adventure and paradise- de a momentos is an immense ritual rave commanded by actresses, actors, dancers and dancers but in which the public is immersed and participates as the protagonist.

«Aven is a happy show, where you don’t have to go through any moments of darkness or uncertainty to reach liberation as happened with ‘Wayra’ (the group’s previous show and with which they toured, literally, all over the world for 15 years)”, Diqui James told Télam on the occasion of the premiere.

“Here the challenge -added the leader of the company- was put on a show with the power of Fuerza Bruta, with its physical demonstration and where its festive characteristic is constantly present, generating a sensation of enjoyment from the beginning and that this grows as the show develops, until the end, where you can stay in the room dancing and having a drink”.

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#Julieta #Poggio #joins #Fuerza #Bruta #show #Aven

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