June 12, National ADHD Day

2023-06-12 08:00:01

June 12, 2023 will be the third edition of National ADHD Day, attention disorders with or without hyperactivity. The opportunity to raise awareness among as many people as possible about disorders that have a profound impact on the lives of children and those around them, but which are still largely unknown to the general public.

Planet ADHD, all National ADHD Day events

Associations of patients and relatives are mobilizing for the national ADHD day, in particular the HyperSupers TDAH France association, the ADHD association for equal opportunities or the TypiK’AtypiK association. The day of June 12 will be relayed throughout France through the organization of various events. To find out about the events organized by all the associations, a dedicated website has been developed, the site ADHD planet : https://planete-tdah.org/.

The theme for National ADHD Day 2023 is “ June 12, ADHD we’re talking about! “. The objective of this day is to inform and raise awareness as many people as possible about ADHD and their impact on the daily lives of children and their loved ones. Such a day aims to promote the early identification of children affected, because ADHD is far from being known to everyone, and to help the children concerned to be diagnosed, taken care of and accompanied to regain the best quality of life. possible for them and their families.

ADHD, neurodevelopmental disorders and not an education problem!

It is also necessary to fight against received ideas which still circulate in France, in particular in families, but also in the sector of early childhood and education. Too many children remain undiagnosed and their parents stigmatized by attributing the child’s behavior to educational problems. ADHD are neurodevelopmental disorders and do not result from a lack of education! All parents must be able to be informed about these disorders and know what to do if their child’s behavior worries them. Talking about it with health professionals is essential.

In France, according to estimates, between 3.5 and 5.6% of children of school age are affected by ADHD, with an average age at diagnosis of 9 to 10 years. Better information for the general public could allow earlier identification of children and therefore appropriate care. The national day will also be relayed by a poster and flyers. Anyone who wishes can also wear the Orange color on June 12, in the form of a ribbon, a bracelet, an item of clothing, to support the cause of ADHD in France and around the world.

ADHD, a heavy burden for children and their families

ADHD is manifested by three main symptoms:

  • L’inattention ;
  • Impulsivity;
  • Hyperactivity in children with ADHD with hyperactivity.

Specialists are considering adding another symptom to this triad, emotional dysregulation, that is to say, to problems of modulation of the emotional reaction. Children show these symptoms persistently over a period of more than 6 months, before the age of 12 years. Symptoms do not manifest themselves continuously, a child can go from a behavior considered normal, to an unexpected and inappropriate attitude in just a few minutes.

Generally, entering school marks the beginning of the first difficulties, because the symptoms tend to manifest themselves preferentially in the community. School difficulties, isolation, anxiety, the consequences for the child are major and can have a lasting impact on their development and their social and family life. The situation can be even more complex when ADHD is associated with other disorders, such as sleep disorders, bedwetting, learning disabilities or language disorders. If in doubt, it is important that the parents talk to the doctor. Diagnosis is essential for the child to be taken care of!

Estelle B., Doctor of Pharmacy


– National ADHD Day. www.tdah-france.fr. Accessed June 5, 2023.
– ADHD: symptoms, diagnosis and evolution. www.ameli.fr. Accessed June 5, 2023.

#June #National #ADHD #Day

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