Jungle camp: Jasmin Herren has to start the journey home

jungle camp
Jasmin Herren has to start her journey home

Used day for Jasmin Herren: She had to leave the jungle camp as the second candidate.


Eric Stehfest caused the most trouble on day nine, but Jasmin Herren had to leave the camp and was almost invisible.

Everything under the sign of nine: The ninth day in the RTL alternative jungle camp (also RTL+) has started, with nine candidates still in the running. And then there was bowling! After Tara Tabitha (28) was the first participant to be thrown out of the camp in the usual way, everyone seems to be gradually becoming aware of the seriousness of the situation.

Filip Pavlovic (28) in particular saw his skins swimming away more and more – because he always says everything freely and honestly that goes through his head. Will this Pavlovic’sche reflex still be his undoing? At least not on Saturday night. Because the audience chose another woman from the camp following Tara. Jasmin Herren (43), who received almost no airtime during the entire episode, almost logically also received the fewest calls.

And otherwise like this: Eric makes himself unpopular

The first “argument” of the day took place between Filip and Eric Stehfest (32). What upset the former “Bachelorette” candidate the most was Eric’s emphasized serenity, which he only showed for the cameras: “It’s good that you think I’m shit”, Stehfest remained firm. “Bachelor in Paradise” Filip was not used to such a reluctance to argue, as it is completely contrary to his motto: it’s better to open your mouth than not to say anything stupid.

But Eric also turned other campers once morest himself shortly followingwards. Because he had to go to the toilet, night watchman Tina Ruland (55) was supposed to take on the unpleasant task of waking up an accompaniment for him. “Tina, you can’t do the dirty work for him!” Linda Nobat (26) whispered angrily. And towards Eric she hissed: “That sucks! Let the others do the shit for you so that you look better!” Without knowing it, Linda repeated Filip’s accusation once morest Eric verbatim.

And because Eric had previously left the camp area alone several times without permission, the candidates were quickly turned off the shower water. That stank everyone – in a figurative and literal sense.

The problem with the food

After Harald Glööckler (56) started a discussion regarding the meager and undercooked camp food, the discussion regarding the food annoyed him. But he was even less interested in the perseverance slogans of his fellow campaigners that “everyone was sitting in the same boat”. His pompous but not very symphytic answer: “I’m sitting on a yacht – you’re sitting in a boat!”

In the jungle test, the food didn’t get any better either. Filip and Manuel Flickinger (33) had to prove themselves on the “Bundesekelbahn”. The cone rules: depending on how many cones one knocks down, the other has to knock down a certain disgusting dish. The track performance, however, seemed quite independent of the difficulty of the culinary task. Stinky tofu, each with a different accompaniment (sometimes maggots, sometimes guinea fowl hearts), was available for just one and for a considerable eight overturned cones.

The most amazing thing was how many synonyms Manuel had for “don’t puke!” found to cheer on the choking Filip next to him. In the end, the result was also worthy of all honor: the two munched on seven out of a possible nine stars.


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