Keep it.. 7 exercises that protect you from a fatal disease

Follow up – Ali Mualla:

Lifestyle is no longer a luxury, but it has become a science adopted by famous medical colleges as a specialty within their specializations that treat many diseases caused by not adhering to a healthy diet, lack of exercise, or others.

Do not underestimate your mood, diet, sleep, or behavior in general, as all of these factors affect your general health, and may cause you to suffer from some diseases, including obesity, stress, and heart cancer.

It is very important to pay attention to the daily lifestyle, and change it to prevent serious diseases that result from an unhealthy diet or bad and wrong daily habits.

Recent studies have revealed that 44 percent of cancers are caused by the wrong “lifestyle”, and therefore we offer you a number of exercises that prevent you from developing cancerous tumors:

1. Slow warm-up walk for 3 minutes.

2. Walk moderately in place for two minutes.

3. Walk briskly in place for two minutes.

4. Abdominal exercise, lie on your back and raise your hand next to your ear and move in the direction of sitting and repeat this several times “for 3 minutes”.

5. Back exercise, relax on your stomach and put your elbow on the floor and start moving your body towards the floor several times “for two minutes”.

6. Abdominal and back exercises again for two minutes.

7. Stretch the muscles of your body with the straightening of the back muscles for a minute.

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