Kefir, a miracle drink with a thousand virtues.

Drink trend of the moment, kefir is very close to another UFO to drink, Kombucha. It is a drink that is obtained following the fermentation of milk or certain fruits. Very rich in probiotic matter, it is a beverage that is easy to prepare at home. Better, it is starting to have its place in organic stores. Quite simply because its benefits are numerous and the demand is strong. Focus on this “miraculous” composition?

Kefir, what is it?

To put it simply, it is a liquid obtained by fermentation. Whether from fruit or milk, it is a drink known for its actions on the entire digestive system. the Kefir can mean “milk cream” and has been a liquid consumed since antiquity.

Currently, kefir is trendy because it is very good for digestion. With an organism that is scrutinized, microbiota scrutinized all day long, the consumption of foods that ensure satiety and well-being is encouraged by science and medicine. Of course, kefir is one of them.

The benefits of kefir:

It is an effective and very affordable health drink. Its success is mainly due to its contribution to the balance of our organism.

Good for digestion:

This is the starting point of its success story. Like yogurt, kefir contains bacteria, essential elements for the well-being of the digestive system. It is also a liquid that takes care of the intestinal flora (renewal and seeding). Thus, the consumption of kefir, in a thoughtful and moderate way, allows then to have a healthy digestion and greatly reduces the risk of bloating.

A welcome aid to the immune system:

Kefir also contains lactic ferments. In very large quantities, so that when the body feels the need, taking kefir effectively improves the natural defenses.

A valuable aid during a diet:

If you need to lose weight, kefir is good for you. With a balanced meal and a bit of physical exercise, it’s a great ally. Following a good diet, the result will quickly be palpable. His benefits make it a star of slimming diets.

Kefir, instructions for use.

There are two essential ingredients for making kefir: milk and fruit. Water kefir is also referred to when the drink is made from fruit. Milk kefir is opaque (lumpy). Kefir seeds can be combined with cow’s or goat’s milk. It is in contact with the casein and lactose contained in the milk that the grains coagulate. This forms what is called lactic acid, which also takes on carbon dioxide and alcohol.

For fruit kefir, the form is quite different. It is in contact with water that fermentation takes place. Often, the preparation is done using sugar, fig (dried) or even lemon.

The difference ?

They are two very different drinks both in form and in preparation. Milk kefir has the same consistency as milk and is extremely rich in vitamin B, protein and folic acid. Fruit kefir is consumed fresh (rich in water). The storage of kefir can be done in a fridge, in a jar containing sugar water.

The homemade kefir method.

Preparation begins with acquiring the right ingredients. Go to an organic store to buy the kefir grains. For a milk kefir, get some milk, a container to hold everything and some fabric (enough to cover the container).

How to make kefir ? The preparation is simple: put the grains in the milk and let the fermentation take place for 24 hours. Once the time limit is reached, filter everything and you have your homemade kefir.

For fruit kefir, on the other hand, the preparation is a little longer, as is the list of ingredients. In addition to grains, you need lemons, dried figs and sugar. Melt some sugar. Add the other ingredients. Fill the pot with water (to the desired amount). Give the mixture 24 hours of fermentation. Figs on the surface of the mixture mean fermentation is complete. Filter everything and leave to ferment again for 24 hours.

Side effects ?

However, like all fermented foods, kefir can cause side effects in some people. The most common side effect is bloating, which can be caused by the live bacteria in kefir. Some people may also experience nausea, cramps, or diarrhea. Although these side effects are usually mild and resolve on their own, it is important to be aware of them before consuming kefir.

* Presse Santé strives to transmit health knowledge in a language accessible to all. In NO CASE, the information given can not replace the advice of a health professional.

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