Kidney health – Health priority

2024-03-13 08:00:02

Certain chronic illnesses, such as diabetes or high blood pressure, can have serious impacts on kidney health. Worldwide, more than 850 million people suffer from kidney disease, making it the 6th leading cause of death in the world in 2020, according to the Kidney Foundation. Renal failure can, at a terminal stage, require the use of dialysis or a transplant, since the organ is no longer able to fulfill its filtration and regulation functions.

Worldwide, more than 850 million people suffer from kidney disease. © Getty Images – champpixs

How to keep your kidneys healthy and detect kidney damage? And how can we improve the quality of life of patients?

Dr Isabelle Tostivintpreventive nephrologist at the Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital in Paris and responsible for Scientific Communication of the Kidney Foundation. Specialist in nephroprotection (prevention, screening, deterioration of kidney function). President of theassociation LUNNE (UriNary Lithiasis Network) which fights to prevent urinary stones By Jean-Robert Makulo, head of the Dialysis Unit of the Nephrology Department of University Clinics of Kinshasa and doctor at Ngaliema Center Hemodialysis Center from Kinshasa in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Testimony of Marc Olorypatient transplanted in 2008, after four years of dialysis, for end-stage renal failure, at the microphone of Louise Caledec. He is also a volunteer with l’association France Reinand the author of two books, but also in two books, J minus et J morepublished by La Perle Noire.

At the end of the broadcast, we find the sports column of Dr Jean Marc Sènesports doctor and author of Sport: I’m getting started, published by In Press

► All chronicles are accessible ici.

Music programming :

Lass – Fields


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