Killer partisan songs…

2023-04-22 07:14:14

A song calling on Burundian refugees not to return to the country has been doing the rounds on social networks in recent days. They are activists of the National Congress for Freedom (CNL) party who sing and dance. Such words at the approach of an electoral deadline are not reassuring. Especially since denigrations, oral provocations, dehumanizations are often observed during the election period. Analysis.

Unfortunately, we don’t learn from our past. Let’s remember the 90s. We aspired to democracy, political parties were resurfacing. At that time, the electoral campaign was most violent: dehumanization, invectives, etc. everything was good, provided that the spirits were heated to block! We still remember songs like: “They cost you like a king” (We deceived you the bird of bad omen, Editor’s note); « That Mpora was a language », (Uprona, it’s only words, editor’s note) and many others. We all know what followed.

2005, 2015, 2020, except for a few words, the songs were the same: provocations, threats, denigrations, dehumanizations… Some artists and singers, forgetting their role of reconciling and educating, will side with one or another left. We were entitled to “they are cut and they don’t see” (dribble them, they don’t see, editor’s note), « hongora injavyi » (Break the teeth of the rebellious, Editor’s note); “those fans are crazy” (these fools are crazy, editor’s note); « take the money out of the treasury » (get the moles out of the attics, editor’s note); etc

Here, too, we saw what followed.

Repeated twice…

As 2025 approaches, the risk is to relive this kind of content. Today, a song by activists from the National Congress for Freedom (CNL) party, which is going around WhatsApp groups, should challenge the leaders of all political parties.

While the current power calls on refugees to return to the country to contribute to its development, in this song, we describe a situation of famine in the country. “If you keep that, the hunger in Burundi has become a protector” (Stay where you are, in Burundi, the famine is getting worse, Editor’s note”, they then launched to Burundian refugees in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Rwanda and Uganda.

In this video, those words are followed by cheers from the crowd. But, in the tribune of honor where the whole staff of this party is, the applause is very timid.

And quickly, the party of Agathon Rwasa will try to explain itself. On April 19, they called reporters for a press conference. In Mutanga-nord, it is finally a press release signed by the general secretary which will be read by the president of this party.

On site, we will be told that this song was presented during the reception of Agathon Rwasa, in Gitega, on April 16, 2023. “He was there to explain to CNL activists the new administrative division”specified Rwasa, while acknowledging that in its content, “there are words that can be embarrassing for one and the other”.

Thus, Agathon Rwasa calls to no longer share this song or its audio. He even says he doesn’t understand how she landed on social media. “We ask the various party officials to ensure that the content of the songs is non-violent and reconciliatory”he launched, recalling that since his approval in 2019, his party has been campaigning for all “Burundian lives in his native country”.

“We need education for peace and non-violent communication”

“It is the fault of the leaders of political parties. And there, it is without exception. And in the current case of Burundi, two political parties are very concerned and must be very careful: the Cndd-Fdd and CNL”, commented a sociologist. Speaking on condition of anonymity for personal reasons, he indicated that normally, in all the bodies of political parties, there is a commission or a service responsible for culture. Which implies, according to him, that he is in charge of all that is folklore, of the ideas which must appear in the songs, slogans, etc. “I don’t understand how you can allow a band to play a song that hasn’t been listened to in advance to analyze its content. And why did the CNL party react three days later? », he wonders.

For him, if the staff of this party did not agree with the content, it was on this very day that he had to wink at this group and all the militants present.

According to this sociologist, these singers may have swung these words innocently, without measuring their scope. “It is then up to their superiors to straighten them out quickly”he insists.

As the next elections approach, this sociologist calls on the leaders of political parties to play their role: “Dear politicians, spare us from any denigration and call for violence. May those responsible for monitoring the content of your songs, your slogans, ensure that there are no more provocations, insults, dehumanizing words, etc. I think that Burundi needs to experience peaceful elections that are not always followed by disputes, clashes. It is under these conditions alone that we will be able to take off economically”.

According to him, even in the songs of the ruling party, there are words to correct: “It’s not just for the songs, the presidents of the political parties should hold non-violent languages, which do not underestimate other parties”.

The sociologist cites as an example the case where the party in power describes itself as an invincible lion: “You will often hear Inkona ntiyaruzwa said. That the Cndd-Fdd is not a party but a country. It has a meaning”he analyzes.

Finally, he finds that the content of songs should focus on social projects and the programs of political parties instead of attacking other political parties or their members. To the activists, he reminds them that in the event of a criminal offence, the punishment is individual. And advise them: “Measure your words, your sentences! Don’t be fooled, and emotional. Non-violent communication is a source of peace and cohesion”.

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#Killer #partisan #songs..

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