Kirby and the Forgotten World rubs stars, figures that exceed Mario Kart 8 Deluxe and Pokémon

Game News Kirby and the Forgotten World rubs stars, figures that exceed Mario Kart 8 Deluxe and Pokémon

The cute little pink ball from Nintendo has not finished talking about her! Just a week ago, the pudgy mascot returned with a first opus in 3D which offered a breath of fresh air to the license. It didn’t take long for the talk of its qualities to spread and the success of the game to gain momentum on Nintendo Switch!

In Japan, Kirby is ahead of Mario Kart and Pokémon

After having conquered our British counterpartsthe cute Kirby attacked players in the country of the Rising Sun, his homeland, and many of them snapped up a copy of the latest adventures of Nintendo’s mascot. According to the figures published on the web, the latest opus has climbed to the top of the Japanese rankings, stealing first place from Mario Kart 8 Deluxe and Pokemon Legends: Arceus for this week.

Kirby and the Forgotten World rubs stars, figures that exceed Mario Kart 8 Deluxe and Pokémon

Best of all, the 3D platformer sold over 380,000 copies in Japan in just three days. ! With this excellent marketing start, Kirby and the Forgotten World is well ahead of numbers 2 and 3 in the ranking, mentioned above, which still managed to sell 18,931 and 17,941 copies respectively during the week. Even if it is still far from the total scores of its competitors on the podium, Kirby and the Forgotten World has already set a record!

The ultimate Kirby license on Nintendo Switch

It won’t surprise anyone, but Kirby and the Forgotten World was very clearly one of the big releases Nintendo Switch of this month of March, alongside Triangle Strategy. Inevitably, the wait around Kirby’s new adventure ended in a record: that of the best launch in the history of the franchise in Japan. ! As a result, Kirby not only rubs shoulders with the top of the Japanese charts, he also monopolizes the results of his own franchise.

The youngest of the Kirby games therefore did not let himself face his elders, and eclipsed them as easily as he spits out his enemies after having sucked them in. Driven by the popularity of Nintendo Switchthe game is also the second biggest launch of the year in Japan, just behind Pokemon Legends: Arceus but especially in front Elden Ringwhich is not nothing! The excitement around Kirby is still going strong, and the developers, who spoke behind the scenes of the projectstill have great ambitions for the future of licensing : he is far from being released, but his successor is already under pressure!

Kirby and the Forgotten World rubs stars, figures that exceed Mario Kart 8 Deluxe and Pokémon

Kirby and the Forgotten World

Kirby and the Forgotten World: Guide, Tips and Tricks

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By JinxebWriting


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