Know what are the three worst ways to die, according to science

Researchers have spent years investigating this topic. PHOTO: Special / Pixabay

Although it is true that few things are more certain in life than the day of our death, this date generates too much controversy among those people who often think about this moment and fear both the way it happens and the pain it may cause. generate.

By: The Herald

This fear of that inevitable moment has accompanied human beings since the beginning of their existence, but no matter how much people prepare for this event, they may never be fully prepared for when it happens. And one of the most frequently asked questions among people is usually about the worst ways to die.

In this context, science has been in charge of investigating and answering this question, thanks to studies led by leading scientists who have investigated what the worst ways to die are. Where it has been considered from the duration and even the physical pain that it would cause in that person who experiences it.

The 3 worst ways to die

Throughout history, very common deaths have been analyzed to exceptional cases, to find an answer to this question. Dr. Paul Doherty, a senior scientist at the Exploratorium in San Francisco, and Cody Cassidy, a freelance writer, have spent the last several years researching the worst ways to die and pinpointed the top three:

1) STARVING: Although few believe it, this way of dying is one of the slowest there can be, since according to some experts on this subject, when a person is starving, the body begins to attack itself in order to survive.

That is to say, it begins to resort to the fat of the liver and the fatty tissues to survive; once this stage is passed, the body will continue to look for protein, but now in the muscles. If the person is still alive by this time, his immune system will begin to fail.

This will cause their pulse, blood pressure, and body temperature to begin to drop rapidly, leading to the final stage, which is when the heart is consumed and the person dies instantly from cardiac arrest.

2) IN A FALLING ELEVATOR: Perhaps very few have thought about this way of dying, since it would seem to be very rare; According to a renowned elevator manufacturer, if you find yourself in this situation, the way to try to survive a fall from a collapsing elevator is to lie on your back.

In addition, the face must be covered with the hands, all this with the aim that the ribs cushion the impact of the fall and the hands help protect the face. But he clarifies that living an experience of this type must be terrifying, due to the speed with which it occurs.

According to the data provided by science regarding this type of death, after the effect of the hard fall, the organs would try to leave the body, in addition to the limbs could break to the sides. A fatal death.

3) BURNED ALIVE: Although scientists clarify that dying due to fire can be considered a rapid death, they clarify that it is a very painful death, since once the body is in contact with fire, it takes only 10 seconds to consume all body hair. and then much of the human skin.

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