Korea, which used to be a model country for quarantine, happened to Lee Ji-kyung… No. 1 in the world for new confirmed cases

picture explanation[사진 출처 = 연합뉴스]

Korea, which was once praised by the world as a model country for quarantine, is continuing its disgrace, recording the overwhelming number of new confirmed cases per day in the world.

According to Worldometer, a real-time world statistics site, as of the 14th (local time), Korea ranked first with 309,769 new confirmed cases. On the previous day, on the 13th, with 35,176 people and on the 12th with 388,3651 people, it was also ranked at the top.

The number of new confirmed cases worldwide over the three days was 1,483,586 on the 12th, 1,375,952 on the 13th, and 981,305 on the 14th. During this period, about one in three or four people came from Korea.

In addition, as of the 14th, the number of new confirmed cases in Korea was more than three times higher than that of Germany (101,872), which ranked second.

During the same period, Japan recorded 56,540 (12th), 54,758 (13th), and 52,022 (14th), maintaining 50,000 units.

The death toll is also increasing day by day.

Korea, which was in fifth place on the 12th with 269 people, recorded 251 people on the 13th, moving up one notch to fourth place, and on the 14th, with 200 people, it is still in the top 5th place again.

Experts predicted that the number will increase further in the future, given that there is a 3-4 week time lag between the confirmed cases and the deaths. The recent death toll is because the number of infected people was around 150,000.

[사진 출처 = 월드오미터]

picture explanation[사진 출처 = 월드오미터]

Therefore, with more than 300,000 confirmed cases recently, the death toll could rise to 400 to 500 in 3 to 4 weeks.

On the other hand, on the 15th, South Korea reported an additional 362,338 new cases. That is, it has maintained the number of 300,000 for four days. As a result, the cumulative number of confirmed cases has crossed the 7 million mark.

According to the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (KCDC) on the same day, as of 00:00 on the same day, there were 362,338 new confirmed cases compared to the previous day, bringing the total number of confirmed cases to 7,228,550. The number of new confirmed cases on this day is 1.8 times that of the 8th (202,711) a week ago and 2.6 times of the previous day (138,990) two weeks ago.

As the number of new cases surged, the death toll and the number of seriously ill also set a new record. At the same time, 293 and 1,196 additional deaths were reported, respectively.

The daily death toll has reached 300 for the first time since the outbreak of COVID-19.

[이상규 매경닷컴 기자]
[ⓒ 매일경제 & mk.co.kr, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]

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