Kuaishou announced to apply for a world record for Jay Chou’s live broadcast: the number of reservations has exceeded 6.66 million- Media Player / Video Site

Last night, Jay Chou’s new album “The Greatest Work” was launched on all platforms, and it set off a very high heat all day today, and it was discussed almost all over the Internet. According to the previous official news from Kuaishou,Jay Chou will broadcast live exclusively on the Kuaishou platform at 19:00 on the evening of July 18, and will also show new songs.


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According to the latest news from @36氪, the staff of Kuaishou Entertainment revealed,Kuaishou will apply for the Guinness Book of World Records for Jay Chou’s exclusive live broadcast, because “the number of people who have booked Jay Chou’s live broadcast has exceeded 6.66 million, setting a historical record for the largest number of bookings for a single live broadcast of Kuaishou”.

As of press time, the number of Jay Chou’s live broadcast appointments continues to increase, and the application records will also be updated according to the final figures.

It is also worth mentioning that,At noon today, Fang Wenshan revealed in the live broadcast that in fact, Jay Chou still has three songs that have not been published, which are songs written for three singers.

This also makes people even more looking forward to whether Jay Chou himself will release 3 new songs during the live broadcast.

It is reported that in this new album, “Reflection”, “Missed Fireworks”, “Beauty as Frost”, “Still Wandering” and “Pink Ocean” are all written by Fang Wenshan, who is also Jay Chou’s old partner for many years.

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