Kyriaki’s father “broke hearts”. 2024-05-14 01:08:19

After the end of the memorial service, Sunday’s father thanked those who are honoring his daughter’s memory and stated to the Orange Press camera: “In memory of my daughter and in all this world that is sad here today let those responsible be punished. And I want all children, all boys, girls, women, when they have a problem to talk to their parents and their friends, and we don’t have another victim like that. May my Sunday be the last victim to go so horribly.”

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For her part, the family’s lawyer Eleni Mazarakis noted that “you are so close to the family and really support our fight so that this girl, who left so horribly, can get justice. The accused should be punished accordingly.”

The femicide caused strong reactions, when the dialogue that 28-year-old Kyriaki had with the Immediate Action police officer, just a few minutes before she was killed by her ex-partner, was made public. In this conversation, Sunday asks to be taken home in a police car as she was afraid for her life and the policeman replies that “a police car is not a taxi”.

For the case, a Sworn Administrative Examination (SAR) is “running” that finds responsibility in specific officers of the Greek National Police who were involved in the incident on the fateful night of April 1st.

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#Kyriakis #father #broke #hearts

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