Large ovarian mass removed from Puerto Rican woman

The pathology is of benign origin.

Dr. Ricardo Gómez, gynecologist oncologist at the San Lucas Episcopal Medical Center in Ponce. Photos: Provided by the doctor to the Journal of Medicine and Public Health.

Ovarian masses continue to be one of the pathologies that affects women’s health, and this time, a case of a pathology that grew markedly in the pelvis of a patient from the Country stands out.

This case was reported at the San Lucas Episcopal Medical Center in Ponce, where the mass was found in a 60-year-old woman that was causing several additional health problems.

According to an exclusive interview with the doctor Ricardo Gomez, gynecologist oncologist assigned to the hospital institution, these cases are not so frequent, but when a patient arrives with this condition, her quality of life is affected.

“This is a 60-year-old patient, who has different pre-existing comorbidities, which are not severe, but she had been presenting abdominal distension and pelvic pressure for months, she was presenting problems digesting food, constipation until she felt that something was growing in her stomach. abdomen,” he said.

Once the patient identifies that something unusual is happening, she begins to seek specialized medical attention, where her family doctors locate this mass, and the appropriate treatment is carried out in these cases.

The procedure was performed at the health center and the patient is stable. Photo: Provided by Dr. Gómez to the Journal of Medicine and Public Health.

“Management is surgery, and it is ruled out that it can become a malignant mass. We did what is called tumor markers and everything was normal. We perform surgery to relieve symptoms and rule out the possibility of cancer. It is very rare that a benign mass becomes a malignant mass, if it is benign, it grows benign and the cancer originates as cancer from the beginning”, explained the leading specialist.

However, Dr. Gómez clarified that sometimes there are gynecological tumors that can become very large masses, although they are usually benign. However, cases have been reported where masses of this size are malignant, but it is very rare.

In the case of the patient, it is suspected that it is a mucinous-type mass, because this mass was filled with a substance called mucin, which are epithelial glycoproteins involved in protecting the integrity of the mucosa through the preservation of the function of the epithelial barrier, said the doctor, who reported that the patient is stable.

“If the mass had not been removed, it would continue to grow, eventually due to size and weight, it would cause additional problems in the gastrointestinal system and an obstruction could be generated,” said the doctor.

On the other hand, she mentioned what are those symptoms that women can identify to act in time and avoid further complications.

The symptoms that a woman may have are:

*Abdominal distension;

*Fast feeling of fullness;

*Heaviness in the pelvis,

*Increased urinary frequency;


Finally, he mentioned that the results of the studies carried out on the mass are awaited after removing it from the patient to rule out any malignancy one hundred percent.

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