Latest house 2 news for today August 23, 2022

Latest news and rumors house 2 for today 23 August 2022:

  1. Ivan Barzikov, who did not pay much attention to Christina Bukhynbalte’s decision to leave the project and stay in Italy, is waiting for her in the clearing, rejoicing that Leo’s puppy was found. Vanya himself is going to Vladivostok and does not believe in breaking Christina’s relationship with him.
  2. Evgeny Romashov and his wife Nastya Bigrina-Romashova are going to the clearing for prophetic things and with news about their family life. Anastasia managed to draw up documents for the name of Zhenya.
  3. The network suspects Tatyana Repina of deception, who received a message from her mistress Alexei Bezus that she is yellow of her son. The attached ultrasound image turned out to be a fake from the Internet, and the text is very similar to Repina’s statements in the clearing of House 2. Who is deceiving whom in this dubious story?
  4. Aleksey Adeev is determined to expel Anna Samonina from the project, against whom he is conspiring, suspecting Anya of sympathy for Barzikov and an affair with him outside the perimeter.
  5. Alena Openchenko, before leaving on vacation with her grandmother, arranged a quarrel and parting with Mikhail Kozlov. Judging by the news from the perimeter, they have already reconciled, is it not for nothing that Openchenko was recognized as the best actress of the project?
  6. Ksenia Borodina has returned from another vacation and is starting to work in the glade of House 2. The TV presenter is happy that she has 19 million followers on Instagram.
  7. Artem Grant was again caught in correspondence with fans, which caused a quarrel with Arina Kim. At the same time, Alexey Bezus reports that the couple not only made common tattoos, but also chose the name of their future daughter. Is it really the same as one of Artem’s fans?
  8. As soon as Dmitry Dmitrenko went for a walk alone, complaints about his behavior from his mother-in-law Tatyana Vladimirovna surfaced on the network. Her eldest daughter Olga Rapunzel suffers from life with a negligent husband, but does not want to get a divorce, the “TV grandmother” claims in Telegram.
  9. Latest house 2 news from for today 08/23/2022 – Alena Rapunzel officially registered her youngest son Svyatoslav in the capital, her next step will be to file a divorce from Ilya Semin.

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