Latest Meteorological Update: Strongest Cold Waves Yet and More to Come – Al-Marsad Newspaper

2024-02-03 15:37:45

Al-Marsad newspaper: Meteorology spokesman Hussein Al-Qahtani said that the current cold waves are not the last, but they are the strongest so far, and more of them are coming.

Al-Qahtani added in an intervention on Al-Ekhbariya channel: “This wave is not the last, but it is the strongest so far, and we still have regarding a month to go in the winter weather.”

He continued: “The Kingdom is affected by cold waves coming from the north, and temperatures dropped to one degree, which is the lowest temperature we recorded in the winter of this year in Qurayyat.”

He continued: “We are considering a relatively warm winter this year, and we have not exceeded zero degrees Celsius in all regions of the Kingdom.”
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