Layangan Sever The Movie: Controversy and Disappointment – Why Putri Marino’s Fans are Upset

2023-12-20 13:01:32, Jakarta – The Kite Break series has shocked Indonesia. This time, the series was adapted to the big screen with the title ‘Layangan Sever The Movie’. Reporting from an upload on his official Instagram account, the film starring Raihaanun and Reza Rahadian will premiere on Thursday, December 21 2023, in all Indonesian cinemas.

The film produced by MD Pictures will bring back iconic characters in the series. However, in the posters and trailers that have been circulating, the face of Putri Marino, one of the main characters in the serial version, is not visible.

In the big screen version this time, Kite Putus The Movie will star Reza Rahadian, Anya Geraldine, and Raihaanun. Both Reza and Anya will return to play the characters Aris and Lidya, but Putri’s position will be replaced by Raihaanun as Kinan.

This apparently disappointed netizens, they thought that Kinan’s role was embedded in Putri Marino. As if they didn’t accept it, many netizens attacked Putri Marino’s Instagram account.

It can be seen in every upload on the Instagram account @putrimarino, many people express their disappointment because Kinan’s role is not Putri Marino. “The kite broke without you is just fake,” commented one netizen.

Replacing a rich person doesn’t seem like much, even though the role of Putri Marino is really fitting,” said another netizen.

Not only Putri Marino, Raihaanun’s IG account was also attacked by netizens who did not agree with Kinan’s role being replaced by an artist other than Putri Marino.

If you change it, will it be fun or not?,” said another netizen.

Why isn’t there Marino’s daughter ???? even though he is really suitable for a princess.. Bye.,” wrote another netizen.

Maybe it’s Aris’ story about cheating again in Kappadocia, it was Lydaa who was cheating on him and it wasn’t Kinan. That’s why there’s no Princess Marino on the cover. It’s like that ????,” said another netizen.

#Netizens #protested #role #wife #cheated #husband #Kite #Sever #Movie

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