Learn 6 foods that rejuvenate liver tissue and cleanse it of toxins

newspaper published “MorningThe Turkish newspaper, Thursday, presented a report in which it reviewed a list of foods that are recommended to be eaten to purify the liver from toxins and rejuvenate its cells.

The newspaper said, in its translated report:Arabic21The liver filters the blood from harmful substances that enter the body, the accumulation of which leads to chronic diseases.

She stressed the importance of detoxing the liver to maintain its health, noting that the best way to do this is to eat one of these foods:

Tamarind soaked:

It is recommended to drink the tamarind infusion twice a day, in the morning and evening, on an empty or full stomach, and it can be sweetened with a teaspoon of honey.

To prepare the tamarind infusion, add 20 grams of tamarind in one liter of boiling water and let it cool.

Raw garlic:

Garlic is one of the best antioxidants and is rich in allicin and vitamins, and it is one of the most important foods beneficial for liver health, as it activates liver enzymes to help it detoxify the body, and the sulfur contained in it supports the production of enzymes that enhance liver function.


Avocado is a source of healthy fats, as well as containing omega-6, which is one of the most important foods that help regenerate liver cells. Avocados can be consumed in salads or alone with lemon juice, as it is an effective food against the problem of fatty liver.

Grapes and their seeds:

A lot of research has shown the benefits of grapes and their seeds in treating liver damage and purifying it from toxins.


Dandelion can be eaten in salads or by boiling its leaves. It is rich in vitamins, sodium, potassium and calcium. It also enhances liver functions, facilitates digestion and prevents diseases.

It has been proven that the roots of this plant protect the liver from inflammation and clean the bile duct. It is recommended to boil its roots and drink the infusion at least 3 times a week.

Brussels sprouts:

Brussels sprouts are one of the foods that are effective in cleansing the liver, renewing its cells and purifying it from toxins, thanks to the sulfur compounds it contains.

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