Leg Remedies: This Will Happen To Your Body If You Put Your Legs Up Every Day | Trends

Doctors advise adopting the daily habit of putting the legs up for about twenty minutes, for example in a position with the back on the ground and legs on the sofa, said the German magazine Friend.

What happens to our body when we keep our legs up?

> Veins relax. People who have to sit or stand for a long time during the day often experience the phenomenon of swollen and bulging legs at night. Elevating the limbs for a few minutes relaxes the veins and reduces heaviness and pain in the legs.

> Improves blood circulation to the heart. Raising your legs improves blood flow to the heart muscle, which is good for your heart muscle. In addition, regular exercise can prevent circulatory problems in general.

> Digestion is stimulated. The blood flow activated by the elevation of the legs also has a positive effect on the function of our stomach. According to doctors, the habit of keeping the legs elevated during 20 minutes every day it trains the muscles responsible for digestion and prevents constipation.

> Improves oxygen supply Elevated legs also ensure a better supply of oxygen to the bloodstream. This not only benefits the organs, but also improves the functioning of the body: it obtains more energy and better resists infections.

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