Legislation Passed: Mandatory Disclosure of Mugshots, Locks on Cars for Drunk Drivers, and More

2023-10-06 12:36:00


In the aftermath of the passage of the motion for the arrest of Representative Lee Jae-myung, the processing of several livelihood bills was postponed, but passed the plenary session today (6th).

Legislation was passed to disclose the identity of suspects of serious crimes in the form of photos or so-called ‘mug shots’ when arrested, and to install locks on cars for habitual drunk drivers.

Reporter Hyeonjun Lee reports.


The so-called mug shot, a photograph of the face taken by investigative agencies to record the suspect’s appearance and clothing, could not be disclosed without the suspect’s consent.

As controversy over the effectiveness of personal information disclosure arose, a bill was proposed mandating the disclosure of mugshots taken by investigative agencies within 30 days of the decision to disclose personal information in cases of serious crimes, and it eventually passed the plenary threshold.

[정점식/국회 법제사법위원회 간사/국민의힘 : “국민의 알 권리 보장 및 범죄 예방 강화를 위하여 신상정보 공개에 대한 대상 및 절차 등을 상세히 규정한 일반법을 마련한 것입니다.”]

The so-called ‘Jung Soon-shin Prevention Act’, which allows victims to report directly to the superintendent of schools if the school takes delayed action against perpetrators of school violence, will go into effect from the first semester of next year.

Even if the perpetrator files a lawsuit, a final judgment must be issued within a maximum of 7 months.

School violence regulations have also been expanded.

[안민석/국회 교육위원/더불어민주당 : “학교폭력의 정의에 사이버폭력을 포함하고 정보통신망을 이용한 보복행위를 금지했습니다.”]

From now on, drivers who have been caught drunk driving more than twice within five years and whose driver’s license has been revoked will be required to install an ignition interlock device in their vehicle.

The car starts only when no alcohol is detected through a breathalyzer test.

The National Assembly also passed the Maternity Protection System, which allows local governments to register births on behalf of pregnant women even if they give birth while hiding their identity, and the Simplification Act on Actual Insurance, which allows claims to be made by simply requesting insurance benefits from hospitals without removing paper documents.

This is Hyunjun Lee from KBS News.

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