Lemon Diet: Lose Holiday Weight and Stay Healthy in 2024

2023-12-11 15:46:00

  • According to the data of the IMSSDuring the holidays, Mexicans can gain 2 to 8 kilos in weight due to the excesses of Christmas celebrations.
  • The Lemon Diet It is a popular method for lose those extra kilos that they earned between the posadas, Christmas and New Year. Don’t forget that physical activity is also important to stay healthy.

Lose weight is among the purposes of New Year 2024 more formulated by Mexicans. But to achieve this, a good eating plan and exercises are required to help lose the kilos gained during the holidays.

We explain to you what is Lemon Diet and how to apply it in a healthy way to lose those extra kilos without starving yourself or risking your well-being.

Lemon is a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory

What is the Lemon Diet?

It is a method that proposes incorporating the lemon to our feeding from the moment we wake up until before we go to sleep, in order to help burn calories Due to the properties of this citrus fruit, it facilitates digestion, is a natural diuretic, and promotes the elimination of toxins.

It is important to emphasize that this is not a miracle diet and you do not need to restrict foods to include it in your daily life. We also recommend consulting with a nutrition specialist before starting a diet that can put your health and well-being at risk.

How is the lemon diet done?

Lemon juice on an empty stomach

When you get up, before eating something you are going to squeeze the juice of one lemon in half a cup of warm water and you drink it. We recommend using yellow lemon because it is less acidic; It has more sweetness and will be more pleasant to consume.

Lemon dressings

Prepare sauces to accompany your salads or your meals with lemon. Make sure they do not contain fat and are low in calories. It may be a vinaigrette easy with olive oil, vinegar, two lemons, salt and pepper. It will change the flavor of your dishes!

The vinaigrette is very easy to make and enhances the flavor of the food.

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Teas or infusions with lemon

It is an excellent option if what you are looking for is to reduce inflammation in the abdomen. We recommend accompanying it with ginger to enhance its anti-inflammatory and fat-burning properties. Sweeten with a little honey or Stevia to counteract the strong flavor of ginger. Drink one or two cups of lemon tea a day and in a week you will notice the difference.

A delicious infusion of lemon with ginger and cinnamon will help you reduce inflammation and burn fat

Drink water with lemon during the day

Add the juice of one lemon to your daily water and drink it throughout the day while you are at the office or at home. If it tastes too acidic, add a couple of drops of liquid Stevia to sweeten it. You can also drink mineral water with lemon to replace soda at meals. You will feel lighter.

The Lemon Diet It will help you burn fat if you apply it accompanied by a diet rich in fiber, healthy fats and protein. Do not put your health at risk before applying it and always consult with your family doctor to resolve your doubts regarding this diet and recommend the best options according to your weight, sizes and state of health.

#LEMON #DIET #lose #kilos #Year

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