Leon Dozan Opens Up About New Boyfriend


The son of celebrity couple Willy Dozan and Betharia Sonata, Leon Dozan has opened up about his new lover.

Now, he has been in love with Rinoa Aurora Senduk, a model and soap opera actress from North Sulawesi for four months.

“With Rinoa Najwa Aurora Adinda Senduk, it has been going on for four months, so far it’s been smooth, communication,” said Leon Dozan when met in the Cirendeu area, South Jakarta, Saturday (18/2/2023).

There is an interesting story between the introduction of the two. Leon Dozan said that their introduction started from following each other on TikTok.

“Initially, Leon was judging in North Sulawesi, and when it went viral on TikTok, he followed Leon, Leon DMed (direct message), then Leon followed too,” said Leon Dozan.

Even though they had been in an LDR (long distance relationship) for three months, this did not weaken the bond between the two.

“What is certain is that we support each other, encourage each other, and what is certain is that we love each other,” said Leon Dozan.

Apparently, the relationship between the two was known by their respective parents and hoped that their relationship would continue to a more serious level.

“Thank God, Papa knows that Bela+ is quite far. I hope that in the future it can be even better, better, even more beautiful, it will last forever,” said Leon Dozan.

“There must be advice (from parents), the important thing is that he has faith, Leon also really loves him, there is no doubt at all,” he explained.

Leon Dozan himself had planned that this relationship would continue to the wedding level later because he felt that they were both compatible.

“God willing, there have been many matches, both humorous, on the same frequency,” said Leon Dozan.

“If your parents are like this, if you are happy, your parents are happy too,” he concluded.

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