Life starts at 70!Treatment of “Rejuvenation of Dead Trees” in Older Men with Sexual Dysfunction – Silver Hair World – Free Health Network

Cai Bingru, director of the Department of Urology at Nguyen General Hospital, reminded that if you have sexual dysfunction problems, you should seek medical treatment from a doctor, and do not be superstitious in remedies or abuse unknown medicines. (Provided by Ruan comprehensively)

[Reporter Xu Lijuan / Kaohsiung Report]Kaohsiung’s 68-year-old Mr. Jiang had the habit of watching pornography to relieve his sexual needs, but he suffered from kidney cancer and bladder cancer within 5 years, and his “second child” had erectile dysfunction because of it; and 70-year-old Mr. Jin Hypertrophy of the prostate leads to urinary tract disorder, which makes the wife suspect that the wife has problems such as impotence and premature ejaculation, and the husband and wife are estranged. After drug treatment, both sexual dysfunctions have been improved. The urologist pointed out that through surgery and drug treatment, even after the Age can also revive the glory and enjoy life.

Cai Bingru, director of the Department of Urology at Nguyen General Hospital, said that Mr. Jiang was engaged in the processing of cleaning products. Five years ago, one kidney was removed due to kidney cancer. Two years later, bladder cancer was discovered. He underwent endoscopic curettage and chemotherapy. Erectile dysfunction, although my wife passed away for many years, I used to watch pornography to solve my sexual needs. After diagnosis and treatment, I was given hormone drugs and Cialis daily tablets for treatment, and the problem has been solved for 2 years.

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Mr. Jiang suffered from kidney cancer 5 years ago. (Provided by Ruan comprehensively)

Mr. Jiang suffered from bladder cancer 2 years ago and developed erectile dysfunction after treatment. (Provided by Ruan comprehensively)

Another 70-year-old antique dealer surnamed Jin has diabetes himself. He developed symptoms of Parkinson’s disease three years ago and was treated with neurological drugs. Later, due to prostate hypertrophy, he caused urinary tract disorders. He took medicine for long-term outpatient treatment. Mr. Jin became estranged from his wife for more than 2 years due to impotence and premature ejaculation. After diagnosis and treatment, he was given hormonal drugs and a small amount of Cialis daily for treatment every 3 months. Now the sexual dysfunction has been improved, and the relationship between husband and wife has also improved. more harmonious.

Cai Bingru pointed out that the etiology of bladder cancer is complex, and many studies have shown that it is related to long-term smoking or exposure to certain chemicals. Symptoms are painless hematuria, frequent urination, urgency, nausea, poor appetite, etc., and sexual dysfunction will follow. Parkinson’s disease and diabetes are one of the neurodegenerative diseases that cause the elderly. Aging will affect sexual function. However, in addition to frequent urination, nocturia, small urination, and inability to urinate, the hypertrophy and hyperplasia of the prostate after middle age. In particular, it affects sleep and work and rest, and of course sexual dysfunction occurs.

Modern medicine has a number of treatment methods such as laser surgery, drugs, physical extracorporeal shock waves and psychology with mild side effects for male urinary system diseases and sexual dysfunction. Through multi-pronged treatment, silver-haired people can also satisfy their desires. It is taboo to believe in remedies or abuse unidentified over-the-counter medicines. You should cooperate with the instructions of specialists to take medicines, so as not to endanger life and health.

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