Life+Style: Zsolt Osváth said emotionally in the field of Heroes: Today I represent the Zacis

Life+Style: Zsolt Osváth said emotionally in the field of Heroes: Today I represent the Zacis |

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February 2024. 16. 19:39 February 2024. 16. 22:02 Life+Style

“A responsible government protects children not only on billboards, mostly from us gays. Covering books and preventing the adoption of gays is not child protection,” said the influencer at Friday night’s demonstration in Hősök Square.

Katalin Novák’s pardon scandal

Even in the ranks of the governing parties, the fact that President Katalin Novák pardoned one of the people involved in the pedophile case in Bicske, K. Endre, caused a serious uproar. Katalin Novák and Justice Minister Judit Varga also fell into the scandal. You can follow the latest developments in the case in our series of articles.

There are situations when one cannot remain silent, said Zsolt Osváth in his powerful speech, who stood up for the abused children at the flu vaccine demonstration on Friday evening, recalling his own childhood.

“I grew up in an institution, I saw the worst abuses by educators, I was specifically locked up in psychiatry because I found out about the relationship between a teacher and a student. They told me that I was a fool, that I was imagining things, that this should not happen in a Christian institute. (…) To save themselves, they almost drove me to commit suicide. And every time I hear about abuses, wounds are torn inside me, because I had no one to ask for help. I know what it’s like not to believe you.”

The pardon case is only the tip of the iceberg, the problems are systemic – warned Zsolt Osváth, who declared in front of the thousands of people: “Today I represent the Zacis”.

Osváth formulated a sharp criticism of the situation of children’s homes. He said that a child living in an institution receives HUF 72,000 in clothing money a year, from which he has to buy bed linen and dress so that the other children at school don’t make fun of him. “My classmates preferred to take their bags with them during recess, they said they didn’t want anything to go missing, even though I swear I never stole,” he recalled the painful memory.

The absurdity of the situation is clearly indicated by the fact that when he was inside, his pocket money was HUF 5,130, and today, twenty years later, it is still the same amount. “On the other hand, politicians’ salaries have changed a lot in the last twenty years,” he added.

“The institutions are dilapidated, the walls are moldy, the ceiling is wet, the floor is rotting, but the management of the institute does not even appreciate the maintenance response. Officially, everything is fine, of course civilians cannot touch the walls. The furniture is torn or not there at all, and the procedure makes it impossible for them to buy new ones. If you need a washing machine, it takes half a year, if you need a stove, it takes three months. Where are they cooking until then? Well, then Aunt Kati will bring in a stew,” Zsolt Osváth pointed out the inhumane conditions, then went on to list them. There are no qualified teachers, educators, or childcare workers, and in many places they are happy if someone comes to work. There is neither time nor energy to take care of the children normally. For that kind of money, they are happy to get someone who has two hands. Empathy has died out, knowledge is just a memory, the profession is not attractive. The children’s meal costs HUF 1,500.

“Since last November, it is much more difficult to donate in homes than to molest children at the institutional level,” he said.

Osváth also spoke about emotional burdens. “The hardest is Christmas or Mother’s Day. One of my most painful memories is when adoptive parents came to the institute – straight and married, calm down everyone. They watched the little ones, I gave a small performance to see if I would please them, but I was too old, I was over ten years old, they didn’t need me, even though I would have been very happy to have two mothers, or even one.”

“The institute will never replace the family, but the reigning power must do everything possible to ensure that the absence of the family is not crippling. This is indeed their task. They have to help you process that you were not chosen, that you were not needed at home or by anyone else.
The agile educators, for whom this is their profession, not their job, take the toilet paper and the vanilla ring from me in the parking lot of Meki, without the administrator knowing, because everything is fine at the state level, isn’t it?

“There is no forgiveness for child abusers. I didn’t think I would agree with the Prime Minister on anything else, but we agree on this. But neither make-believe measures, nor resignations framed by closed-eyed prayer or votes of confidence will nullify the pain of the victims. And the indifference that characterizes the systemic problem. The state doesn’t even need institute workers, you can’t campaign with them, war and Brussels are much more terrifying. But sometimes it’s worth looking into the eyes of an orphan, because the real war is raging there.”

According to Zsolt Osváth, “a responsible government protects children not only on billboards, mostly from us, gays, but covering books and making it impossible for gays to adopt is not child protection. We gays are not the real danger to children. There are monsters out there now, and we have to recognize them.”

Our live coverage of the demonstration is available here.

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