Lili Paul-Roncalli: The question of young people in the TV garden was “inappropriate”

Updated on 05/18/2022 at 8:36 p.m

  • When Lili Paul-Roncalli answered Andrea Kiewel’s questions on the ZDF television garden on Sunday, she particularly disliked one question, because Kiewel asked about Roncalli’s youth plans.
  • In an interview, she revealed why the model was bothered by the question.

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Last Sunday (May 15) has Lili Paul-Roncalli caused quite a stir when she got the answer refused to answer a provocative question from Andrea Kiewel. The presenter was apparently particularly interested in the private life of the artist, who also works as a model, and asked, among other things, whether Roncalli was taken.

caused a sensation Kiewel with the 24-year-old, especially when she asked about her offspring plans. Roncalli’s counterattack: “You don’t ask a woman such questions anymore in 2022.” On the net, some users got excited about the question after the show and it was also a no-go for the artist, as she is now in one Interview with “” betrayed.

Roncalli: “Insanely private question”

In the context it was inappropriate for Roncalli. She felt “that it’s an insanely private question and it shouldn’t be asked in public or with someone you don’t have a relationship with.”

But she wasn’t angry with the TV garden presenter Andrea Kiewel. For her, the topic was eaten. There is no cat war. “If I don’t want to answer something, I have the right not to do it,” she emphasizes.

“Maybe this will wake up some people”

Roncalli even understands the interest in the question, “but women often choose the most unfavorable picture and then speculate whether they are pregnant or not,” she said in an interview. In fact, celebrity women are often said to be pregnant with the slightest change in their abdomen.

The artist did not expect Roncalli’s reaction to Kievel’s question to cause such waves. However, she hopes: “Maybe this will wake up a few people and bring more understanding for the topic.”

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