limiting carbs can extend lifespan

2023-05-09 14:42:00

A study bearing on 371,159 people aged 50 to 71 conducted for more than 23 years has proven that limiting carbohydrates and the fat in food could prolong life expectancy.

During the study, 165,698 people died.

The research, published in the Journal of Internal Medicine showed that lower fat and carbohydrate intakes reduced the risk of death from cancer and cardiovascular disease.

On the other hand, consuming carbohydrates and fats had a negative impact on mortality.

“Our results support the importance of reducing saturated fat in preventing all-cause mortality,” the authors wrote.

How to tell the difference between good and bad carbohydrates?

This is not the first study to show that life expectancy is linked to your food hygiene. Limit the meats to twice a week, reduce processed foods and high in fat is essential to protect you against chronic diseases like diabetes, cancer and heart disease.

If researchers call for limiting carbohydrates, you don’t have to delete them all.

Carbohydrates are organic molecules, made up of carbon, oxygen and hydrogen. They constitute the main source of energy for our body – and particularly of our brain. Carbohydrates should represent between 50 and 55% of the total energy intake provided by the daily diet. A deficiency can lead to deleterious effects on the body.

We find the simple carbohydrates (glucose, fructose, lactose and sucrose), quickly assimilated by the body. We talk about “fast sugars”. At the same time, we also have complex carbohydrates. These are absorbed more slowly by the body. They are found in foods containing starch, cereals and pulses.

The glycemic index will help you make the best food choice: it will give an idea of ​​the speed at which the body digests certain carbohydrates, as well as the speed with which your blood sugar will rise. High blood sugar resulting from eating too much high glycemic index food will be detrimental to health, because the pancreas must then work harder to produce more insulin in order to transfer glucose into the cells to fuel the body. and the brain. On the contrary, the consumption of good carbohydrates, with a low glycemic index, slowly releases glucose into the blood.

Discover in pictures the carbohydrates that should be limited if you want to live a few more years.

#limiting #carbs #extend #lifespan

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