Living the Disney Dream: Couple Moves to Florida to Visit Disney World Every Day

2023-10-18 11:13:55

An American couple from North Carolina who “fell in love” with Disney World’s theme parks have reportedly decided to make their dream come true and move a stone’s throw away so they can visit them every day.

“We said to ourselves: “why wait until we are retired to spend our money?” We might be too old by then,” said Jessica Pruitt, 41, according to “The Mirror” on Tuesday.

For more than a year, she and her husband, Wes Pruitt, 54, left their home in a small town in North Carolina to move to Davenport, Florida, so they could visit the “magical” Disney parks. every day, thanks to an annual pass that costs them US$1,400 each, the couple said, the British newspaper reported.

The latter would have made the important decision when their children would have left the nest, and house prices would have fallen in July 2022.

“We wanted a change of pace. We thought, “Let’s do it.” This is what will keep us active,” continued the content creator.

Today, the lovebirds reportedly stroll the site religiously at least once a day, before or after work, walking between 25 and 30 miles a week, they reportedly estimate, calling Disney a “priority” in their lives.

But to give their all to their passion, they still have to cut back on luxury products, such as expensive clothes or manicures, and reduce the prices of their food shopping, according to the British media.

“It’s our priority. This is what brings us happiness. [Donc] it’s easy to do [des sacrifices], said the forty-year-old in a video. It’s not boring. We’ve lived here for a year, and we haven’t done everything yet. There is so much to do.”

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