LoL: First balancing patch for 2v2v2v2 mode with nerfs to OP champions!

2023-07-23 16:00:00

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definitely Riot Games seems to be paying close attention to its new game mode. Not only are the majority of feedback quite enthusiastic, but several players have decided to tryhard this mode thoroughly for the next few weeks. Considering that there was ladder reset at the same time, the success of this new game mode is far from being anecdotal. The developers him give special attention reminiscent of that of ARAM (last permanent mode added), and did not hesitate to deploy a first micro-patch, while specifying that it could well be only the first.

On the menu: nerves, lots of nerves

Some champions were too powerful in this game mode, and were hit hard by the nerf hammer. TAll Tibbers damage sources have been nerfed, in order to put an end to Annie’s domination. With Tibbers being the main reason to play her in this game mode, these changes could well have a big impact on her popularity. Summoners level, Heimerdinger was also targeted by nerves, losing a lot of damage on his towers, but his spell damage has been buffed to compensate. Finally, Illaoi tentacle damage has also been nerfedwhile the champion will now receive 5% more damage.

Shaco also took his part, with a nerf to his passive that will recharge more slowly, as well as a nerf to the fear duration of boxes, which will no longer increase with spell levels. THE Taric passive has also been nerfed, to prevent him from making his ally too powerful. Kayn and Kayle were also nerfed, both losing 10% overall damage. Kayn was given a double punishment, as he will also take 10% more damage. Two characters have been buffed: Lux and Zoe who both saw their passive ratio increase from 20% to 35% of their AP.

At the level of general changes, the critical hits will now do more damage (x1.9 instead of x1.75) and dash augment has been improved. On the other hand the Guinsoo was nerfed, losing AS, AD and AP (That way, nobody is jealous !). Riot Games has announced that it has other champions in the sights, like Mundo and Jax. Developers are also very attentive to the power of certain associations of shooters and enchanters which would wreak havoc at a very high level.

#LoL #balancing #patch #2v2v2v2 #mode #nerfs #champions

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