LoL: How to Create the Mastery Map Everyone Is Making

Hail, summoners! Today I came across something very interesting: several friends were sending on Discord a kind of “solar system” of masteries of their League of Legends champions. I soon found out where they were creating these graphics and I’ll share with you which site is used and how it works. It’s all fast, simple, secure and free, take a look:

How to create my LoL account mastery chart?

Everything is done through the Mastery Chart website. You type the Name of your Summoner or Championselect the region (BR for the Brazilian server) and click on the magnifying glass. Now just wait patiently while the site generates your mastery map.

Interface do site Mastery Chart

In my case, I had to wait approximately 10 minutes, as the servers are quite full of players wanting their maps. You’ll probably have to refresh the page a few times, but it’s worth it!

Where do you do it?

Visit the website:

In addition to the mastery graph of all the champions you’ve played, We also have interesting information like the last time you played with the champion, the date of the game, which champions you have chests to receive, etc.

Apparently @batatabonito doesn't really enjoy playing GP, Xin Zhao and Poppy.  The last games were 7 years ago.
Apparently @batatabonito doesn’t really enjoy playing GP, Xin Zhao and Poppy. Last matches were 7 years ago ????

My map already demonstrates the sad reality of a single-champion. Apparently I have more games of Yorick and Urgot than all other champions combined!

Nearly a million mastery with the gravedigger!
Almost a million mastery with the gravedigger. I will laugh so as not to cry

To save the image you can simply take a Print-Screen of the screen or click on Save bubble chart as image.

Fun, isn’t it? If you’re interested in League of Legends, it’s worth checking out the contents here on the site: We have a pretty cool list of the least played champions in 2022. Skarner, Ivern, Corki, among other forgotten champions. Link down there.

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