Longing for a normal summer the dresser

2023-08-22 17:08:48

My alter ego is now spending a relaxed summer, dressed in esby apparel, complaining about things like the heat and humidity but occasionally catching herself smiling for no reason.

Feels like an accident but continues to act normal.
(Yuval Banai)

Longing for a normal summer, action plan:
1. Summer fruits. Eat them, look at them, take pictures of them. to treat them as the visible miracle that they are.
2. Morning pages. Julia Cameron’s first instruction in “The Artist’s Way”. Originally, writing morning pages (three pages before brushing your teeth. What you write should not be coherent or even legible) is supposed to contribute to the release and strengthening of creativity. I think it also detoxifies.
3. Disconnect. As much as possible, even a few hours a day (Neri Livna wrote on her Facebook page: “Please update me if suddenly something good happens”).
4. Anpolo, Hyde, Miott, Block. Four recommended actions in August (according to Warren Buffett, the right thing to do when you find yourself in a hole is to stop digging).
5. Sunset at sea. Unfortunately, the fact that the main challenge this summer is not related to the weather but to the mood, does not relieve us from dealing with it also with the weather. The beach at sunset is a good solution to these two challenges.

It’s not possible to constantly hold onto crisis. You have to have the love and you have to have the magic. That’s also life
(That was Toni Morrison)

Please keep me posted if something good happens.

post By Shelly Posted on In the category fairy powder, general, uniforms and tagged esby apparel, summer, summer 2023.

#Longing #normal #summer #dresser

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