Look at the number of famous people ‘Dok Pradu’ died, this lucky number 16 10 65

Open celebrity numbers, lucky numbers, Dok Pradu, for the period 16 10 65 Relevant numbers of the deceased, former comedian, Den De Thep gang. The hero Thepbutt Ting Ting Nhong

newsdiedof outstanding, padauk flower Another well-known comedian in Thailand on October 11th will make many people feel dismayed because in 2022 we have lost many of the top comedians. predominantly from old age disease, total age 80 years

Of course, the news of Den Dok Pradu’s death has made the number associated with him become remarkable. Because soon it will be the lottery period. Thais often believe that numbers associated with the deceased will bring good luck. Thaiger team therefore would like to collect numbers related to outstanding. as a guideline for everyone to consider Use numbers to calculate lottery purchases. win big prizes

Picture from: IG @nong_chachacha

Famous celebrity lucky numbers, Pradu flowers 16 10 65

– Den Dok Pradu was born on June 24, 1942.

– Age at death of Den is 80 years.

– Thepbuttha Ting Nong movie This is the movie that made him most famous as an actor, released in 1977.

– Outstanding Mekhala Award Best Supporting Actor in the Year 1992

– The number of the coffin lid of Dok Pradu is 501.

Outstanding number, Pradu flower 16 10 65

Picture from: IG @notechernyim

For outstanding numbers of celebrities, prominent flowers, Pradu, if anyone is interested in speculating on lottery numbers, it doesn’t matter. But you should use good judgment, buy just the right size, don’t cause trouble for yourself and your family.

Finally, the team pays tribute to Den Dok Pradu here as well. Den’s work, smiles and laughter that were given to Thai audiences will always be in memory.

Outstanding number, Pradu flower 16 10 65

Picture from: IG @yokyek_chernyim

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