Loreto Aravena is full of praise with his handmade washing machine – Publimetro Chile

As part of its sustainable project, Loreto Aravena was filled with praise when teaching how to make a handmade washing machine through a video on his account Instagram.

The actress is in Chiloé, Los Lagos region, where the residence for this type of project is located, a place that does not have this appliance.

In accordance with this initiative, the actress remembered for her role as Claudia in “Los 80” He devised a way to wash clothes with his daughter Ema, for which he used simple materials such as a bottle and a broomstick.

“Ema spends a lot of time washing clothes”

“Being sustainable also implies being creative! Here, where we don’t have a washing machine, we decided to make a handmade one”, noted in the caption of the post.

“It’s super easy! And with 15 liters of water we managed to wash 3 loads of clothes. @turismozerohuella makes us rethink life from all possible edges. Also, Ema has a lot of fun washing clothes”he added.

Similarly, Aravena explained that “It is not necessary to seal the mouth of the bottle, because the broomsticks are just inside the hole. But you do have to soften the cut of the bottle so as not to damage your clothes.”

check the following video



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