Lung check-up at the European Smokers Hospital, in November, get tested!

2023-11-17 08:20:15

“In France, more than 40% of tobacco-related deaths are attributable to lung diseases such as various cancers and chronic respiratory conditions. Some of these deaths are preventable, by detecting diseases early and encouraging smokers to quit smoking. This is why the pulmonology teams at the European Hospital are mobilizing”explains Dr. Hervé Pegliasco, pulmonologist.

Lung scan and smoking cessation

Set up by the European Hospital, the Lung Check-up course responds to the request of the Paca Regional Health Agency. The screening is mainly aimed at smokers over 50 and people who stopped smoking more than 10 years ago. On this occasion, they can benefit from a low-dose scanner which does not involve more rays than a traditional chest x-ray. The state of the cardiovascular system is also checked by studying the coronary arteries. Smokers benefit from a consultation with a pulmonologist within 15 days and appropriate care. They can also benefit from comprehensive support to successfully quit smoking. “Smokers meet a doctor and a nurse specializing in tobacco who assess, using appropriate tools, their degree of tobacco dependence and their motivation and follow them for a year. It’s never too late to quit smoking. And the benefits of quitting smoking are rapid. The former smoker quickly improves his taste and smell, he feels less out of breath. He also makes significant savings, which he can reinvest in great projects. Above all, stopping smoking can save his life, it is thus the main element which changes the prognosis of BCPO, more than drug treatments! »

No Tobacco Month is a great opportunity to get started. “People who call the toll-free number are already taking the first step towards improving their health. From us, you will get the answers to all the questions you ask yourself. Don’t hesitate to call us: we are here to help you, without making you feel guilty. Quitting smoking isn’t easy, but it’s definitely worth it. »

The lung check-up in practice

Would you like to make an appointment for a lung check-up? A non-premium rate toll-free number, 0 800 006 535 and an email [email protected] are at your disposal. Health professionals will be able to guide you and quickly get you a consultation. A free process.

#Lung #checkup #European #Smokers #Hospital #November #tested

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