Maduro: Venezuela will build a stable exchange system in defense of the national currency

He assured that the Venezuelan economy must have an exchange system, where it is nourished by foreign currency with its own production process.

Courtesy | He recalled the economic aggression against the Venezuelan people through the fictitious dollar, which was part of the disturbance to the nation

“All the economic sectors of the country and the government, we are going to build a stable exchange system, to defend the currency and that the economy works with virtuous circuits from now on,” said the President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, during the interview granted this Sunday to the Spanish journalist and writer, Ignacio Ramonet.

In this regard, the national president stressed that the National Executive, together with the economic sectors, will seek to heal the wounds of the economic war, and in this way, they will be progressively strengthening the currency.

He recalled the economic aggression against the Venezuelan people through the fictitious dollar, which was part of the disturbance to the nation “compared to 2020 and 2021, in 2022, we have managed to appease the disturbance in the last three months, the which had a great impact on the exchange system in the country; the fundamentally market exchange system”.

He assured that the Venezuelan economy must have an exchange system, where it is nourished by foreign currency with its own production process and “a virtuous circle that allows having a sufficient assortment of foreign currency.”

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