Maduro’s government will not resume negotiations with the opposition if Norway acts as a facilitator

dialogue negotiations
EFE/Mario Guzman

The government of Nicolás Maduro is not willing to resume negotiations with the Venezuelan opposition if Norway acts as a facilitator, as it did last year in the talks in Mexico. This was revealed to the agency four sources close to the process, who asked to remain anonymous.

Two of the sources pointed out that Chavismo has recently insisted on the presence of Russia in any negotiations.

For its part, the Venezuelan opposition wants Norway to retain the role of facilitator, because the Nordic country has successfully negotiated deals to resolve past conflicts in Latin America and elsewhere.

Chavismo and the Venezuelan opposition reported last week that they were ready to return to the negotiating table, but have not yet set a date.

Negotiations in Mexico may resume in the first half of June, according to two of the sources.

Although other countries, including Russia, were proposed as observers in the latest talks, their presence was never formalized.

USA is waiting for the government of Nicolás Maduro and the opposition to soon announce the resumption of political negotiations in Mexico, sources familiar with the matter told

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