Magaly Medina grateful to Eva Ayllón for singing with her husband: “Thank you for fulfilling your dream” | Alfredo Zambrano | alfredo zambrano’s birthday | magaly’s husband | SHOWS

Updated on 05/01/2022 10:37 pm

Break and crack! Magaly Medina She celebrated in style the 50 years of her husband Alfredo Zambrano and had luxurious guests. The television host was the host of Daniela Dancourt and Eva Ayllón, the Creole was the one who was encouraged to give the notary an emotional surprise.

While the interpreter of ‘Alma, corazón y vida’ was on stage, she was encouraged to call Zambrano to be able to sing the song ‘Contigo Perú’.

MIRA: Magaly celebrated in style the 50 years of her husband Alfredo Zambrano [VIDEO]

After considering her husband, Medina recorded the exciting moment and dedicated a message to the Creole. “Thank you for fulfilling my husband’s dream, teacher Eva”Magali wrote.

The journalist was encouraged to share various moments of the party through her social networks, including when Eva and Daniela Darcourt were encouraged to sing.

Magaly’s thanks were well received by the singer. “Thanks for the invitation. Congratulations, Alfred. I am your presumptuous black”Eve wrote.


Aldo Miyashiro reappeared on television after ‘ampay’ with his former reporter Fiorella Retiz broadcast by Magaly Medina’s program. The host of “La banda del Chino” spoke about it and publicly apologized for betraying his trust. “I made a mistake that will surely accompany me all my life… I never imagined that it could cause so much pain” Miyashiro affirmed. (Source: América TV) “I never imagined that it could cause so much pain” “I made a mistake that will surely accompany me all my life”

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